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Model United Nations - GIISMUN

On the days 24th, 25th and 26th of May, Model United Nations (MUN) were held by my school. Model United Nations is an academic activity that which students debate about problems debated in the United Nations. MUN is Model United Nations or Mock United Nations.
Image result for giismun 2019
In my school, Global Indian International School, there were many committees in which different topics could be debated.

The committees that were available were as follows:

  • Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
  • Human Rights Council (HRC)
  • Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • World Trade Organisation (WTO)
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
  • G20
  • US Senate (USS)
  • United Nations Security Council (UNSC)
  • Joint Crisis Committee (JCC)
  • Press
I chose the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC) which had 2 topics which would be debated upon:
  1. Global Submarine Proliferation
  2. Preventing the Risk of Radiological Terrorism
I had to send Position Papers to the chairs of my committee which basically included what my country's stance was in the topic and what the problems and solutions are for the topic.

I was allotted the country of the United States of America in the DISEC Committee.


On the first day, I had to go for registrations where we got our lanyard and goodie bag. In my goodie bag were a bottle of water, a pen, a notebook and a GIISMUN wristband. I went and attended the Opening Ceremony of the GIIS Model United Nations 2019 which went up to almost 2 hours long. 

There were three keynote speakers, and they shared with us the advantages of taking part in the MUN and how it can help us, students become successful in the future. After the long ceremony, I and other delegates were served a quick snack of mango pudding, samosas and sandwiches.

Then was our first committee session. Our chairs quickly explained the Rules of Procedure of the MUN. I and the delegates of the committee had to decide what topic to start with, and when using the voting procedure, the first topic, Global Submarine Proliferation had a majority even though I wanted to start with the second topic.

All of our 29 countries in our committee gave our opening speeches for the first topic and then went into a debate. We had the GSL (General Speakers List) where the delegates of any country could come up and speak about anything related to the topic, if Submarine Proliferation is good or bad, what problems their country is facing, etc. I spoke twice in the GSL. There were two types of caucuses (discussion) too:

  1. Moderated caucus - The committee discusses a small part of the topic in detail in a formal style. If the  delegates want to send notes, they have to send them through the note passers
  2. Unmoderated caucus - The committee discusses the topic in an informal way where the delegates can get up from their places and talk directly to each other
After about 2 hours of debate, it was the end of Day 1.


At 8:45, I arrived at school to start the second day. The second committee session started at 9. During the second committee session, the delegates mainly discussed the problems of Global Submarine Proliferation. This is what happened mainly during the second session. We also made motions for moderated and unmoderated caucuses.

Later, our chairs told us that we were discussing the problems for too long. Then, it was the end of committee session 2 and we had lunch. There was naan (Indian flatbread), paneer butter masala (cottage cheese with spices) and a rasgulla (Indian dessert). After lunch, we got back to our committee session.

During committee session 3, we discussed the resolutions for the topic. We also proposed a draft resolution. As the resolution had more than two-thirds of votes, we had completed topic 1, Global Submarine Proliferation.

We had Socials' night (Dinner and Dance) in which a DJ played pop music as well as popular Bollywood songs. There were flashing lights just like a party. Dinner was the same thing as lunch, which was sad. Only the dessert was different; this time, it was ras malai (rasgulla in milk).

With that, Day 2 came to a close.


It was the last day of the MUN, and after finishing the first topic, we started the second topic, Preventing the risk of Radiological Terrorism. All of us gave our opening speeches in country alphabetical order. We had the GSL after that. Based on the chairs' points yesterday, we started to discuss the solutions to the problem in committee session 4 itself, so that we had more time to frame and introduce the draft resolution. 

In the middle of our discussion, we realised we had a crisis! A crisis is a problem that has occurred and the whole committee has to use their country's power to solve the crisis. The crisis for our committee was that a nuclear warhead (missile) was found somewhere in Israel, but we did not know where in Israel. The organizers kept giving us clues until we solved it!

For lunch, the vegetarians were served the same thing (very sad, I put that as a note in the feedback) but the difference was that the dessert was Gulab Jamun (milk based sweet).

As we continued with the last committee session of GIISMUN, the draft resolution was introduced and approved making the MUN successful! All of us were celebrating. We also got our certificates.

During the closing ceremony, awards were given for best delegate, best position paper and most participative delegate. The awards were fantastic though I didn't win any.



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