Temple of Rama, Lakshman and Sita In Chittorgarh, I first went to the Meerabai temple which was built by her husband. It was very beautiful, but small from the inside. There were many monkeys around the temple. I had to be careful with my shoes! Right next to the Meerabai temple was another temple which used to be a Vishnu temple but now has Rama, Lakshman and Sita. It was really nice and the sculptures were amazing. Vijaya Stambha We then went to the Vijaya Stambha (Tower of Victory which was a 7-storey tower to commemorate the victory of Rana Khumba. We are allowed to go inside this tower until the top, but I went only until the 4th floor. Shiva Temple There was also a Shiva temple I had visited which had a beautiful Shiva idol with big eyes. Then, there was the Main Gate of the fort which I went to. It had holes on the walls so that archers can shoot enemies easily. Queen's palace Lastly, we saw then queen's palace which was surrounded by a sm...