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Showing posts from August, 2017

Book review- "Peanut Has A Plan" by Yashodhara Lal

Book review The name of the book I am reviewing is named "Peanut Has A Plan" written by Yashodhara Lal and illustrated by Shreya Sen. Peanut wants to earn money so she sets up stalls in her house, outside her house and in other places. Her mom doesn't like her earning money from relatives, especially cousins when they come over. Peanut sets up a stall where all the money she makes will go for the homeless dogs in the neighborhood. Will her mom allow her to sell things? Read the book to find out! This is a fantastic book written. It is published by Duckbill Hole books. It is surely a must read. Kids from 8 to 10 years old will love it.